
Mobile app

Mobile app

Enterprise apps provide accessibility and mobility to the remote, mobile and office-based workforce, offering instant access to news, content and information. Mobile apps are simple to use, they require little or no training, are easy to launch and easy to access.

Eating the enterprise mobile elephant

Enterprise mobile seems like a massive, unapproachable topic. This presentation offers digital workplace best practices for building a strategy for prioritizing and managing employee mobile apps. This includes a user-focused approach that can help you solve real business problems.


Credit: Digital Workplace Group

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The full and original article was published on The Huffington Post by Dan Steiner.

Why Branded Employee Apps Are the Future of Workplace Interaction
It’s becoming increasingly difficult for professionals to communicate face-to-face, since teams have become so widespread. Even if your business has every employee report to an office every day, you likely find that some or all of them leave the office for client or vendor meetings. This means much of your conversation takes place over email, text, or by phone.

But a new type of app is becoming more popular, due in large part to its potential for keeping teams connected. Branded employee apps can be used to facilitate HR activities, keep projects moving forward, and allow employees to socialize. The company sets up the app to meet its own unique needs, with employees downloading the software to their own devices. Here are a an overview of the reasons branded apps stand to change the way we communicate in the workplace.

  • They’re Versatile
  • They Boost Productivity
  • They’re Accessible from Anywhere
  • They’re Transformative
  • They’re DIY

Read the full and original article to find out more about these reasons on The Huffington Post by Dan Steiner.

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Huffington Post

Huffington Post

Credit: 5 reasons why you need a game-changing app | Headlines

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