The top level of employees in an organisation. So called because their titles usually start with C. For example Chief Executive, Chief Operating Officer, etc. Internal communicators will work with this group in a number of ways including as a trusted advisor, providing visible support - leading by example, coaching, influencing, building trust from the top down, bridging potential culture gaps, and preserving their executiveness.
Read the full and original article on the McKinsey website
Ascending to the C-suite
A McKinsey survey finds that executives who move effectively into the C-suite are communicating priorities, valuing their teams, spending time on culture, and understanding their unique leadership role.
Nearly half of top executives say they weren’t effective at earning support for their new ideas when they moved into C-suite roles—and more than one-third say they have not successfully met their objectives during their tenures. But even successful transitions1didn’t require new executives to have all the answers, and certainly not within their first 100 days in the job. These are among the key findings from a recent McKinsey Global Survey on executive transitions,2which asked C-level respondents how they managed the business, culture, team, and self-management aspects of their new jobs.
While there is no single predictor of success in a new role, the responses indicate which practices link most closely to an overall effective transition. Organization-wide alignment, for example, is critical. Executives who made the most successful transitions say it was just as important to align their organizations on what not to do as it was to explain what they would do in their initial agendas. They relied more than others on their initial team of direct reports and spent more time learning about organizational culture, which all executives rate as the hardest area to understand. What’s more, these executives received more support and resources from their organizations and were better able to spend their time and energy understanding the issues that they were in a unique position to influence.
Read the full and original article on the McKinsey website
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